Regular Events
Upper Chapel Strollers walking group, monthly
Upper Chapel Strollers are a walking group who meet once a month on a Saturday. The walks are generally quite gentle. Participants include members of other local chapels and friends.
Upper Chapel Striders walking group, walks arranged on ad hoc basis
Upper Chapel Striders take on more challenging walks (hillier/longer) than the Strollers.
Music Together, monthly
Music Together is for those who wish to explore an appreciation of an eclectic variety of music genres. Two home concerts are performed in the Chapel per year, with the proceeds going to charities.
Women’s League, monthly
Women’s League arranges a monthly programme of speakers and visits which are open to all of the congregation and other Sheffield District chapels.
Discussion Group, monthly
The Upper Chapel Discussion group meets monthly to discuss a variety of topics of concern in areas around modern living, current affairs, psychology and spirituality. In a similar vein we also run a monthly 'Life Spirit' group looking at the deeper questions of life, based on the book by Rev David Usher.
Poetry group, monthly
Bring a poem or three: favourites, classics or your own work! In a similar vein we also run a monthly Sharing Circle where people can bring poems or prose or music or anecdotes or...
Quiz/game night, monthly
Quizzes at the moment. Board games will reappear as the pandemic eases off.
Meditation Group
The Upper Chapel Meditation group has been suspended since the pandemic but hopefully will restart during 2022.
Alternative Gathering, monthly
Our 'Gathering' (first Sunday of the month at 2.30 pm) provides an alternative (and explicitly non-dogmatic and organ-free/pew-free/prayer-free - i.e. almost "non-religious") space for considering life's meaning and purpose.
Coffee mornings, two times a year
Coffee mornings at Upper Chapel are significant occasions, not only being great chances for members and friends to get together socially over tea, coffee, and cakes, but also often with excellent entertainment and goods for sale. Money raised is donated to very worthy causes.
Upcoming Events
- Sunday services are in Chapel and sometimes one, normally the morning service, is Zoomed: Most Sundays we have services at 11am and 6.30pm but not all. Please check the Worship Calendar or contact the Minister if unsure. More events
- Wednesday Lunchtime openings are in Chapel: 1130-1300 approx. with reflection at 1215 More events
- Wednesday afternoon activities : From 1345, depending on which Wednesday of the month, we have Discussion, Life Spirit, Listen Together and Singalong More events
- Tuesday Meditation (most weeks): 1300-1330 (arrivals before 1300) More events
- Upper Chapel Striders: Walks on an ad hoc basis. More events
- Women's League (*normally* first Monday): 1100 for 1130 Mon 7th April Dr Seth Jenkinson More events
- Upper Chapel Strollers (normally first Saturday): Sat 5th April Barlow More events
- Music Together (*normally* third Wednesday): Weds 23rd April 7.00pm for 7.15pm Country and Western Music More events