For the Worship Calendar click here
Services at Upper Chapel normally take place on Sundays at 11am and 6.30pm. There is usually a specific topic and the services themselves last for around an hour. During a service, we usually allow time for quiet reflection and music for meditation, as well as hymns, prayers, an address and readings. We also have an open space for individuals to light candles if they wish for a joy or sorrow.
Please be aware that we occasionally have to vary the times of our services due to occasional city centre road closures and some special services held at different times.
We use the green (Hymns for Living) and purple (Sing Your Faith) and very occasionally the red (Hymns of Faith and Freedom) hymn books.
Musical accompaniment is usually based on the organ. The grand piano is used for ‘music for meditation’ within the service. The current service format tends towards a traditional ‘hymn sandwich’, including four hymns, prayers, silent meditation and music, readings and an address. However, we are open to exploring alternative formats. The Chapel is registered for equal marriage.
Every Wednesday lunchtime the chapel is open from 11.30am until 1.00pm for quiet reflection. At 12.15pm there is a 15 minute service based on words and music to aid contemplation. Members of the congregation often take the 15 minute service.
Service topics and details can be found in the Record.
Upcoming Events
- Sunday services are in Chapel and sometimes one, normally the morning service, is Zoomed: Most Sundays we have services at 11am and 6.30pm but not all. Please check the Worship Calendar or contact the Minister if unsure. More events
- Wednesday Lunchtime openings are in Chapel: 1130-1300 approx. with reflection at 1215 More events
- Wednesday afternoon activities : From 1345, depending on which Wednesday of the month, we have Discussion, Life Spirit, Listen Together and Singalong More events
- Tuesday Meditation (most weeks): 1300-1330 (arrivals before 1300) More events
- Upper Chapel Striders: Walks on an ad hoc basis. More events
- Women's League (*normally* first Monday): 1100 for 1130 Mon 7th April Dr Seth Jenkinson More events
- Upper Chapel Strollers (normally first Saturday): Sat 5th April Barlow More events
- Music Together (*normally* third Wednesday): Weds 23rd April 7.00pm for 7.15pm Country and Western Music More events