Unitarian History

Elizabeth GaskellThroughout our history Unitarians have stood for inclusivity, reason and social justice including gender equality (we’ve had women ministers for more than 100 years), gay rights (we’ve performed same-sex blessings for more than 30 years) and the abolition of slavery.

The earliest organised Unitarian movements were founded in the 16th century in Poland and Transylvania following a move away from the traditional ‘trinitarian’ doctrine of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit towards favouring the unity of one God.

In Britain, Unitarianism was damned as heresy and the death penalty imposed on anyone who denied the trinity. Several early radical reformers professed Unitarian beliefs in the 16th and 17th centuries, some suffering imprisonment and martyrdom. The first Unitarian church in the UK was opened in London in 1774 and there are now more than 170 congregations throughout the country.

Prominent Unitarians include Joseph PriestleyElizabeth Gaskell (pictured right), Charles DickensThomas Jefferson,Louisa May AlcottPaul NewmanKurt VonnegutSarah AdamsFrank Lloyd Wright and Tim Berners-Lee.   

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday services are in Chapel and sometimes one, normally the morning service, is Zoomed: Most Sundays we have services at 11am and 6.30pm but not all. Please check the Worship Calendar or contact the Minister if unsure. More events
  • Wednesday Lunchtime openings are in Chapel: 1130-1300 approx. with reflection at 1215 More events
  • Wednesday afternoon activities : From 1345, depending on which Wednesday of the month, we have Discussion, Life Spirit, Listen Together and Singalong More events
  • Tuesday Meditation (most weeks): 1300-1330 (arrivals before 1300) More events
  • Upper Chapel Striders: Walks on an ad hoc basis. More events
  • Women's League (*normally* first Monday): 1100 for 1130 Mon 7th April Dr Seth Jenkinson More events
  • Upper Chapel Strollers (normally first Saturday): Sat 5th April Barlow More events
  • Music Together (*normally* third Wednesday): Weds 23rd April 7.00pm for 7.15pm Country and Western Music More events